
“I was on the cadillac the whole time and did some really great exercises. Each instructor taught me new and different exercises and I’m a total Pilates-convert. “


Pilates lore has it that Joseph Pilates created the prototype Cadillac to enable bed-ridden patients to exercise. His design was simple – a hospital bed with mattress springs attached to the wall. The design has definitely evolved over the years and so have the exercises and stretches one can do on the Cadillac. There are many elements to the machine: leg springs, arm springs, fuzzy loops to hang from, a push-through bar to stretch you out, and even a trapeze. The trapeze was the original add on accessory to the machine, which is why it is also known as a “trap” table. You can isolate almost every muscle group on the machine – it is an excellent tool for breaking down motion into small pieces to restore correct motion patterns. Using the leg springs is one of the best ways to get runners to fully use their hamstrings. Because the Cadillac is such a large piece of equipment it is rarely used in group classes, so the best way to experience this machine is in a private Pilates session.  

Cadillac Class Pricing

1 Class Drop-in 5 Class Pack (90-day expiration) 10 Class Pack (90-day expiration)
$40 $195 $380

Supersaver Card: 3 Class Pack with 15-day expiration $105


For information on private sessions click here.


“CoreAlign classes are fun for working on developing your posture and balance.”


Designed to improve posture, balance, and functional movement. The CoreAlign method stimulates the core stability muscles to fire in perfect timing while performing challenging exercises, deep stretches and core-controlled aerobic training. This method is used for musculoskeletal rehabilitation, performance enhancement, and as a regular sport for a healthy lifestyle.

What is CoreAlign?

CoreAlign is a platform with two independent movable carts. These carts challenge body alignment, improve posture, and increase balance and functional movement while in an upright (and unstable) body position. A “cousin” of traditional Pilates Reformer equipment, CoreAlign is part mind-body, part strength, part cardio, and totally unique!

CoreAlign Class Pricing

1 Class Drop-in 5 Class Pack (90-day expiration) 10 Class Pack (90-day expiration)
$40 $195 $380

Supersaver Card: 3 Class Pack with firm 15-day expiration $90


For information on private sessions click here.

Wunda Chair

“If you really want to get your butt licked take a Wunda Chair class, you wont be able to laugh or cough for a few days!!”

Wunda Chair

Challenge your stability, strength, and flexibility. Though the basic design is simple, there are a myriad of exercises that can be performed on the Pilates Wunda chair. It is excellent for strengthening the core muscles, arms, and legs. Exercises are performed lying down, sitting, and standing on the chair, as well as from positions at the sides of the chair.

What is the Wunda Chair?

Like the Reformer, the Pilates Chair is another of Joseph Pilates’ resistance exercise machines. The Wunda chair is a box with one side that can be pressed down against the resistance of springs, like a large pedal. The pedal portion can also be divided into two parts that can be worked independently for more of a challenge.  

Wunda Chair Class Pricing

1 Class Drop-in 5 Class Pack (90-day expiration) 10 Class Pack (90-day expiration)
$35 $170 $330

Supersaver Card: 3 Class Pack with 15-day expiration $90


For information on private sessions click here.


“The mat/springboard classes are my favorite and all of the trainers are very knowledgeable and talented. No two classes are the same and the benefits to mind, body and spirit are priceless.”


Add resistance or support to your Pilates exercise regimen. EHS Pilates is home to the original Springboard studio, an innovative exercise tool invented by Ellie Herman. The springboard (now produced and distributed by Balanced Body® is based on the Pilates Cadillac, classic Pilates equipment invented by Joseph Pilates. Accordingly, Springboard classes combine classic Pilates repertoire with original exercises developed by Master Pilates teacher Ellie Herman. The spring attachments provide added resistance and/or aid the user with body stabilization.

What is a Springboard?

The Pilates Springboard is a 5-foot rectangular wooden board with eyelets placed on both sides in 6-inch increments with a dowel at the bottom to use for arm or foot support. It is equipped with:
  • Two arm springs with neoprene handles;
  • Two leg springs, with cotton loops; and
  • One wooden roll-back bar.
Our spacious Springboard Studio has a maximum capacity of 9, allowing for more individualized attention and safety.

Springboard Class Pricing

1 Class Drop-in 5 Class Pack (90-day expiration) 10 Class Pack (90-day expiration)
$30 $145 $280

Supersaver Card: 3 Class Pack with firm 15-day expiration $75


For information on private sessions click here.


“I’ve been really happy with the classes I’ve taken here, especially the more advanced reformer ones. The instructors are talented and personable, and they vary the exercises a good amount within a class, so you’re getting in a well-rounded workout. “


Increase overall strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance while addressing virtually every part of the body. Known for its versatility, the Reformer allows you to perform exercises in a variety of positions. These exercises promote length, strength, flexibility, and balance, leading to daily life improvements such as better posture, graceful and efficient movement, and for many, relief from pain associated with physical imbalances.

What is the Reformer?

The Reformer is a piece of resistance exercise equipment designed by Joseph Pilates. It consists of a platform that moves back and forth along a carriage. Resistance is provided by the exerciser’s body weight and by springs attached to the carriage and platform.

Which Class is Right for You?

Mixed-level group classes are appropriate for those without injuries and with prior Pilates experience. As with all of our mixed level classes, appropriate variations and modifications will be taught for each level. If you are “New to Pilates”, we highly recommend taking at least one private one-on-one session with one our trainers. Private sessions are the fastest way to bring you up to speed for group classes by learning the Pilates language and understanding your body.

Reformer Class Pricing

1 Class Drop-in 5 Class Pack (90-day expiration) 10 Class Pack (90-day expiration)
$40 $195 $380

Supersaver Card: 3 Class Pack with 15-day expiration $105

For information on private sessions click here.