Chris Black

Chris has over 13 years of experience teaching Pilates in the Bay Area. Chris Black was certified by Ellie Herman, and has done extensive rehabilitation training with Lizz Roman. She also has studied with Jennifer Stacey and Carol LeMaitre. Chris is also skilled in working with women through all stages of pregnancy, including post-natal. “Chris Black has made it to my short list of things that make San Francisco a great city. Three years ago I discovered that I had AS, a debilitating back condition, and began trying various treatments with mixed results. Chris has been the first person to give me a feeling of control over how my body feels each day. From the very first lesson, she inspired trust and confidence in her approach. She has a deep understanding of body mechanics, but never gets ahead of what my body is able to do. There’s no such thing as a panacea for back problems, but if you’re willing to put in the work, Chris is the closest thing to it.” – Unsu Lee, Bay Area filmmaker
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