Carrie Ferguson

Carrie Ferguson was introduced to the Pilates method after dealing with acute low back pain and tight shoulders, weak stiff neck – a result from long, grueling hours in front of a computer day in and day out as a graphic designer. After a year of strengthening deep core muscles, fine-tuning alignment and posture, staying centered, Carrie knew it was time to follow a new path of self-care and teach others from her experience. Within a year Carrie left the corporate world to pursue and her passion for Pilates. She started her Apprentice training in 2011 and, a couple of years later became a fully certified instructor! This was the best choice she has ever made! She’s so much happier and healthier now in her 40s than she was in her 20s. Carrie’s students often reach that “ah-ha” moment, where they understand and feel the correct muscle group engaging and it’s that moment that they take from their sessions and apply to their daily living patterns, so they may move through life pain-free.
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